Christmas Book Giveaway – Rules

Thanks so much to all who are entering the Christmas Book Giveaway. As of this morning, there are 64 comments. Somebody mentioned that they didn’t see any rules for the giveaway, but they want to be entered. In order to be entered in the giveaway, you need to leave your email address in your comment, or your email address must be accessible through your blogger ID. If you comment, without leaving an email address, and your email address is not visible on blogger, then you WON’T be entered. If there’s no email address for me to access, there would be no way for me to contact you if you do win.

Several have said that it was generous of me to purchase these books and give them away. These books are brand new, and I did purchase them, but, I also want to build up my e-mail list from doing the book giveaways. Therefore, if you enter the drawing, you’re giving me permission to add your email address to my mailing list. I only send out mass emails via Constant Contact a few times a year, so, if you enter, you won’t have to worry about being bombarded with massive amounts of email from me.

I’ve noticed there are some who entered the Christmas Book Giveaway, but have unsubscribed from my Constant Contact email list. If you’ve been on my mailing list, then unsubscribed, then want to enter this giveaway, you won’t be entered. Reason being, you have to be willing to be a part of my mailing list in order to be entered into the drawing. Since I use Constant Contact, if a person unsubscribes, I can’t resubscribe that person myself – Constant Contact won’t allow that. I’m not sure if you can try and re-subscribe on your own on Constant Contact after you’ve unsubscribed?

Final “rule” is if you win, you automatically give me the right to post your first and last name on my blog, along with your city and state of residence, announcing you as the winner. I want to keep this contest honest, so I have to annouce the winner on this blog. In the past, I’ve had a few people to get disgruntled when they see their first and last name on my blog, then they’ll ask me to remove their last name from my blog post. I’ve started stating my intentions of posting the first and last name when I post the contest. If you don’t want your first and last name posted on my blog if you win, then don’t enter the contest!

And, last thing, even if you don’t win, I wanted to tell you about how I came across these great books at a reasonable price! If you don’t win the books featured on my blog, you still might have some spare change in your wallet to purchase these! has some great sets of books for a cheap price – this is where I purchased the books for my giveaway:

Set of nine Christmas books for $9.99!

Set of four Christmas books for $7.99!

Set of four Christmas books for $7.80!

Set of six Christmas books for $9.99!

Notice that some of these sets overlap, so if you order more than one set, you might want to make sure that you’re aware that you may be purchasing some books twice! No, I don’t work for or represent! I’m just being a nice gal and letting you know about these great deals! I don’t think I could have afforded such a large Christmas book giveaway if I’d had to pay full price for these novels! I’m not sure how long these books will be available at this low price!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

5 thoughts on “Christmas Book Giveaway – Rules

  1. Ann

    Hi, Cecilia!
    Thank you for commenting on my farm blog 😉

    I was happy to see news of your book deal! No, I was not able to go to Denver this year, either. I liked the cover art for the 3 in 1 book — of the girl in coveralls? Cool.

    Next year it will be in Indianapolis, my old stomping ground. I’m psyched! Hope to see you there!

  2. Lady Araujo

    This giveaway is wonderful! It’s the best that I’ve ever seen.
    “The contest is limited to U.S. and Canada residents only.” =/
    Poor me! Weel, nothing’s perfect. Just kiddning! But I DO understand. Anyway, I’m happy that one of them will win this great gift.

    God’s blessigns

  3. mwoods

    I’m very new to this. I want to thank you for letting me know where i can purchase books at a reasonable price. I’ve been trying to get back into reading. I haven’t been able to for the past 7years. This was really helpful. Thanks

  4. Deborah

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to be in this drawing! Also thank you for the info on the other Christmas books-I will pass that along to my friends!
    blessings to you



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