More Writing Advice

Novelist Hillary Manton Lodge left the following comment on this blog post:

I think it’s important to add that, even as you shop books, it’s important to be writing others, and mention them in your queries/cover letters. If an agent/publisher likes your writing style but isn’t interested in that particular story, listing others can be a wise move.

Thanks for pointing that out, Hillary. I’ve come across lots of writers who do one book and work hard to find a publisher, but they don’t do another! You have to keep writing…start another project. Let those editors, agents, and publishers know that you’re working on another piece. If you meet an editor at a conference, and she doesn’t like your idea, you could always say…”Well, I’m also working on XYZ project, maybe you’ll like that idea better.”

It’s worth a shot. For the most part, I’m always working on something, and if you’re trying to get a contract with a commercial publisher, then you should always be working on a book!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

One thought on “More Writing Advice

  1. Amy De Trempe

    I agree completely. As soon as you are quering one book, start working on another and then another, etc. Because, as soon as you do have a published book, your writing time is cut in half because you need to concentrate on edits and then marketing. It is good to already have a few books done and ready to go.


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