Daily Archives: December 20, 2009

Christmas Snow! :-)

The images above are stock photos…but…I did take pics with my camera today, just haven’t emailed them to myself yet!

Currently, we have 20″ of snow on the ground and it’s still snowing! It’s rare for us in Maryland to get that much snow…let alone, that much snow during the Christmas season! Our neighbors across the street turned on their Christmas lights and they look beautiful against the white snow! If I feel like it, I’ll post the pics tomorrow!

They’ve already closed most of the churches in the area tomorrow because of the high drifts outside! We received a phone call from our church, with an automated message from the pastor, stating that services will not be held tomorrow…

Hubby and I have lots of work to do tomorrow! Now we have to dig ourselves out! What a mess!

~Cecelia Dowdy~