Coach And Eclipse

I received my Coach items in the mail the other day. I’d take pictures to show them to you, but, I’m too lazy, plus, the items look exactly like the pics I borrowed from the Coach website in the above link.

Since I was snowed in most of Saturday and Sunday, I skimmed the third book in the Twilight series, Eclipse. I didn’t care for it. I read about 80 pages of it word for word before I started skimming. It’s a pretty large book, over six-hundred pages. Not sure why I didn’t care for it, but I didn’t. I enjoyed the first one, I also enjoyed about three quarters of the second book before I started skimming that one, the third one…well, I just felt there was something missing.

I have the last book in my to-be-read pile. Once I’ve read/skimmed that title, I’m giving them away on this blog. They take up too much space, and I don’t have room for them in this messy, book-filled house!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

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