Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all my blog readers! I’ll be heading out of town today, and I won’t be back until Monday! I doubt I’ll be posting any blog entries while I’m away because the internet connection at the house where I’ll be staying is kind of spotty!

I just baked my lemon pound cake early this morning and I still have a few gifts to wrap!

Be sure to enjoy your holiday! It’s not about the gifts, but it’s about the love of our Savior for us! Take some time to enjoy your family and friends and fellowship!

I think Christmas is too commercialized. Children see ads for new toys, and they want to add to the pile of toys that they already have in their home! Merchants are out to make money from the millions of shoppers (myself included) who need to buy Christmas gifts. I often wish Christmas was more like Thanksgiving…no gifts involved! Just food, fellowship and fun! But gifts are a part of most Christmas celebrations, so just remember not to focus on the commercial aspect of the holiday!

Merry Christmas! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~

2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!

  1. Linda!

    I agree that many of us have fallen for the sales pitch at Christmas time.

    As a family we’re turning the tide and focusing on the fun things we can share and do together as a family as opposed to stressing about the perfect or most wanted gift.



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