Self-Published Novels

Over the past year, I’ve had several people to email me and ask how they can self-publish their novel – they’re usually assuming that I self-published my books. I then state that I’m not self-published, so I’m not the best person to give advice about that subject.

I still feel I’m not the best to give advice, but since so many have asked me, I thought I’d share some thoughts I’ve garnered through the internet. First I’ve noticed that some self-published people want a traditional contract, however, you need to realize that self-publishing your novel is not the key to landing a traditional contract. People will name The Shack as an example of a self-published novel that is now traditionally published and has sold milllions of copies! That’s true, however, The Shack is an exception, not the rule. Most self-published novels are hard to sell, so you need to be sure you have a solid marketing plan to get rid of your books.

Literary Agent Chip Macgregor did a great blog entry about this recently. Check out the link here. Be sure to read the comments as well as the blog post! I felt there was useful information in both the post and the comments!
I did think the Lightning Source option seemed reasonable, pricewise – more reasonable than Thomas Nelson’s and Harlequin’s vanity models, however, the price would go up once all of the editing and cover design was done.

Also, I’d think you’d need to seek out those who’ve successfully self-published a novel and ask them for advice, one-on-one. However, success is relative. Someone may self-pub a novel, sell one hundred copies, and consider that a success, and someone else may have a much higher measure for success. So, I’d think you’d need to decide how many copies you’re trying to sell, and then try and target self-pubbed authors of novels who’ve sold around your targeted amount (or even more than your targeted amount.)

How do you go about finding a reputable content editor, copy editor, and cover artist? I’m not sure! I’d think an internet search would help you! Also, like I’d mentioned above, if you can find some good self-published titles, then you can ask those authors who did their cover art and editing.

I’ve never hired my own editor, but I’ve heard good things about these two freelance editors:

1. Andy Meisenheimer – I believe he used to work for Zondervan, so I’d think he’d be a good choice. From glancing through his website, it appears he only offers editorial services for work contracted by traditional publishers – but he does offer mentoring services for unpublished novelists. I’m assuming the mentoring service would help to improve your manuscript?

2. Camy Tang – I’ve heard people mention that she’s a good editor, too.

Also, my sister is a great artist! She has designed covers for self-published books before! Here’s her website if you’re interested!

That’s all I know about self-published novels, and this is based upon what other people have told me, not upon my own experiences!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

3 thoughts on “Self-Published Novels


    Thanks for sharing your advice. I agree that self-published authors should seek insights to authors who have enough experience in self-publishing. But i also believe that insights from traditionally published authors should be taken into account.


    Thanks for sharing your advice. I agree that self-published authors should seek insights to authors who have enough experience in self-publishing. But i also believe that insights from traditionally published authors should be taken into account.

  3. David A. Bedford

    An alternative to self-publishing is Eloquent Books’ joint venture program. The only drawback is that it is print-on-demand, but they have a strong marketing department and you get 50% royalties on direct sales. I just published my new book Angela 1: Starting Over that way because new authors practically cannot get a traditional contract the first time out. If interested in learning more about the book, please click on my name and follow the link to my web site. I also invite you to read my blog at Thanks!


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