Daily Archives: February 18, 2010

School Days!

I’m going to blog a bit about my personal life today. Do any of you have kids? If so, did you send them to private school or public school? Our child is only four years old and we’re looking at different schools – wondering where we should enroll him. It just feels a bit weird, looking for enrollment options for a kid that’s going to kindergarten next year! The reason it feels kind of weird is because, when I was growing up, we just got on the big yellow bus and went to school. There was no discussion about curriculums, private vs. public, etc.

I didn’t go through all of this discussion about school until I was eighteen, getting ready to go to college, filling out financial aid forms, getting my high school transcript, etc.

After all this talk and discussion, our son might just be going to the elementary school around the corner! But everybody else is doing this, and my friends think I should research all of my options, so, that’s what I’m doing!

~Cecelia Dowdy~