Still Snowed In

I’m still snowed in my house. My job was closed again today, and to to tell you the truth, I believe this is a record for me. In all of my history of working full-time after college, I think this is the first time that I’ve been off for four consecutive days because of inclement weather. In Maryland, it’s rare for us to get so much snow. After the huge snowstorm on Friday and Saturday, it took hubby and I three days to dig out. We ventured out to the grocery store yesterday and the place was a madhouse. Why? Another snowstorm was expected and people were stocking up on supplies. The roads were hideous and I was slipping and sliding over chunks of ice in the middle of the road. I did go to my chiropractor appointment last night and at that point, the snow had started again. It was coming down fast and furious and the shopping mall where my chiropractor is located started shutting down. Stores were closing and people were leaving. When I left the doctor’s office, my car was covered in snow and I had to clean it off before driving home! It’s just amazing and phenomenal for us to get so much white stuff in such a short amount of time! Our public transportation, Metro, is shut down today. There’s no bus service and the rail service is limited. It’s been that way for a few days now. The bus service that was running earlier this week was incomplete and not dependable.

I am enjoying my time away from my job, though! I’ve been working mega overtime for the past month and it’s a blessing to be off for so many days with pay, and without using vacation time! I’ve still been in the kitchen a lot, cooking for my family! This morning I got up early and made an apple coffee cake. If it turns out good, I’ll share the recipe with you.

During this winter storm, I’ve also been reading Breaking Dawn, the last book in The Twilight series. All I can say so far is, I loved the first part of the book, but the rest leaves me feeling like I’m reading outside of my element! It’s a very weird story, more science-fiction-like than the first novel and I’ll post a full blog post about this book once I’m finished with it. It’s a big book, about 750 pages, and I’m about 3/4 of the way finished with it.

I’ve also been getting some writing done during this storm. Remember my rejected proposal that I’d mentioned awhile back? Well, I’ve been working on another proposal to send to Barbour. Hopefully, they’ll like this one! I plan on getting that out the door by the end of this week or early next week.

The icicles in front of my bedroom window have grown! They’ve gotten longer and thicker! Here’s the pic:

Here’s some more pics from the winter storm:

Any of you have a lot of snow in your area? If so, how much and does it hinder your daily routine?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

7 thoughts on “Still Snowed In

  1. Sharon Ball

    Cecelia, I can’t believe how covered everything is by the snow. At least you’ve been able to enjoy some time out of work without having to use vacation time. That always rocks! Stay warm and be sure to snuggle every chance you get. 🙂


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