Top Ten Bestselling Christian Authors Of 2009

I saw this list on Sally Stuart’s blog yesterday. I’ve copied and pasted the list below:

Top Ten Bestselling Christian Authors Of 2009

Max Lucado
Stephen & Alex Kendrick
Karen Kingsbury
Stormie Omartian
William P. Young
Ted Dekker
Francis Chan
Beverly Lewis
Gary Chapman
Joyce Meyer

The only authors I’ve read from the list are:
Karen Kingsbury (I’ve reviewed a number of her books on this blog.)
Ted Dekker – I’ve reviewed some of his titles on my blog, too
William P. Young – I reviewed The Shack about a year or so ago on this blog.
Beverly Lewis

The other names are familiar, but I’ve never read any of those authors’ work. Probably because I don’t read much non-fiction. Except for The Word, I’m not a big non-fiction fan. I tend to get bored easily when I read a book that’s not a novel. I set it aside and forget about it. Months later I might pick it back up and try to read it again, but then I have to re-read or remember what I read the last time I tried to read the book.

Any of you read any of these authors on this list. Would you consider any of them your favorite? If so, which ones?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

5 thoughts on “Top Ten Bestselling Christian Authors Of 2009

  1. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Lady Baer

    I’m glad you stopped by Cecelia’s Christian Fiction Blog and commented. I’ve never read Joyce Meyers before. I’ve heard her on TV a few times, but, I don’t really watch televangelists much, nor do I read non-fiction often. I’m glad you enjoy her books and her speaking though.


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