Double Rejection! :-(

I received two emailed rejections yesterday about an hour apart for this project! I’m starting to feel like this book will never have a home! I still have it floating around someplace, so it is still being considered elsewhere. On one of the rejections, the editor stated that she wanted to talk to me because they weren’t interested in publishing Southern Comfort, but, they did want to see some more proposals and she wanted to talk to me about that. She wanted to set up a time so that she could call me. I plan on emailing her back soon. Also, I was very
bummed-out when I received this rejection since my proposal had gone to committee.

Changing the subject, I have jury duty today. I’m so NOT looking forward to that!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

6 thoughts on “Double Rejection! :-(

  1. Nedra

    Hi, Cecelia. I’m sorry to hear that this project–so close to your heart–still needs a home. I will keep you and your work in my prayer.

    I know as well as you do that God is able to use all kinds of characters just like he uses all kinds of real people–vision-impaired or sighted–to get His message across.

  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Thanks, Tea, Julie, and Nedra! I need to just let go and let God do His work! The rejections shouldn’t upset me but they do. If this book never gets published, I’ll just need to learn that it’s okay.

  3. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Rhonda. Southern Comfort is the story about the blind man, and, no, I never submitted it to Barbour. Frankly, I just don’t see the novel as a Barbour book! Through email, I’ve made arrangements to speak to the editor next week. So, hopefully, it’ll turn out okay, maybe I can sell another book to them!


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