Daily Archives: May 13, 2010

Tired And Blocked! :-(

I’m working on a novel now and my mind is blocked…I guess it’s writer’s block. Any suggestions that may help unlock my mind?

Also, I read two really great books recently, but I’m too tired to post about them: A Passion Redeemed by Julie Lessman and Only Uni by Camy Tang. I will post full reviews for both of these soon, but I just don’t have the energy to do that right now. I did enjoy both books, especially Julie’s! Julie’s books are always a joy to read and I understand she has a new series coming in September!

I have a self-imposed deadline to have this book in proposal format by the end of the month. I know it’s weird to say this, but, it’s kind of a blessing that this book is not under contract…if it were, then the pressure of unblocking my mind and getting it done would increase…ten-fold!!

I have a couple of other books that I was supposed to read and review for this blog. I’ve already contacted those authors, letting them know that reading their novels and reviewing their books will have to be placed on hold for awhile until I can complete this project.

~Cecelia Dowdy~