And The Winner Is…

The winner of the Stephen Bly Book is:
Cindy Navarro – Cullman, AL

Congrats, Cindy!

Also, I just registered for the ACFW Conference in Indianapolis! If you’re going and you see me, be sure to stop and say hello!

Also, if you live in the Washington Metropolitan area, I will be teaching a workshop in August at the following conference:

National Christian Writers Conference at Howard University
B. E. Mays Hall
Howard University
2400 Sixth Street NW
Washington, DC 20059
August 14, 2010

I’ll be speaking about the following:
How to Write a Book Proposal for Christian Fiction

In this work shop participants will learn:
How To Become Familiar With Your Target Market.
How To Write A Strong Query Letter.
How To Write A Strong Synopsis
How To Write Great Sample Chapters.
Writing A Statement Of Faith.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

2 thoughts on “And The Winner Is…

  1. Liz

    Hi — just happened upon your blog (I just love all the great books I can add to my TBR pile on the Internet!) and was wondering if you were aware of the book, “The Testings of Devotion,” first in a Christian fiction series. It’s by Cheryl Dellasega, who has written many other books, both non-fiction (including one on bullying, which is great) and a fiction series for adolescent girls. It’s about spiritual warfare, angels and the battle between good and evil — take comfort in the idea that God surrounds us with angels to help buffer us from its effects.


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