Back To School!

We’re getting ready to send our child to school this Monday. It’ll be his first day of kindergarten and we’ve been buying uniforms and supplies. We’re still not done with all of our purchases. If you recall, on this blog post, we grappled with sending our son to public or private school. We decided to send him to a private Christian school. I tried to talk to the public school about the curriculum and to the new kindergarten teacher….but all I got was the runaround! 🙁

I was already having trouble with the public school and our son wasn’t even enrolled yet! I couldn’t imagine what would happen once he was a student – I was already frustrated enough! 🙁

So far, I’m pleased that this school has answered my questions and has shown me their curriculum. I was satisfied with what my son would be learning during his first year of school. His first day is this Monday, August 23.

I have some books that I need to review for this blog. I’ll be doing that soon.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

3 thoughts on “Back To School!

  1. Kelly Freestone

    We’re sending our oldest to Kindergarten this year too.

    Have a good time, mom!

    I went to a private school, and loved it.
    My husband went to public school and loved it…so i was kinda torn.
    I had a tough time in ps.
    But then, God kept opening the doors for public and shutting the ones for private.
    That decision was bathed in prayer, lemme tell ya.

    I hope you guys have a good year!

    We’re going to meet his teacher today at 4:30.
    We covet your prayers!

  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Kelly and Katy, we took our son shopping at the uniform store today and it was a madhouse! We had to stand in line for over an hour to buy his stuff! We still don’t have everything and we have to go back out tomorrow!


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