My Book

I sent sample chapters and synopsis for my manuscript awhile back to a publisher. As I’d said in an earlier blog post, they asked for the full manuscript. My manuscript is too long so I’m cutting words. While I’m deleting words, I’m reading through my book and I hate it. I’m puzzled that they wanted to see the whole thing based upon those sample chapters.

I used to think the book was good, but, now I don’t think it’s great at all. I feel desensitized. I doubt they’ll contract the book, but I’m going to finish revising and send it in. I have to at least try. If they don’t contract it, it’ll be okay…I can always start with a new, fresh idea.

These are some pics I took yesterday. We took our son to see the ducks and geese and he wanted me to take pictures with my new camera. We fed them popcorn.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

4 thoughts on “My Book

  1. Cecelia Dowdy

    Thanks for commenting, Mason. I appreciate it. I don’t think they’ll offer me a contract, but, I’ll probably revise again sometime in the future and try to submit elsewhere.

  2. Nicole L Rivera


    I think everyone feels like this after editing, re-writing, revising their manuscript. We’ve read it so many times in so many versions we have grown tired with him. Trust that the publisher wouldn’t have asked for a full if the story wasn’t intriguing. God bless.

    -Nicole L Rivera

  3. Cecelia Dowdy

    Thanks, Nicole. I tried leaving a comment on your blog, but, for some reason, blogger wouldn’t let me do it. I appreciate your insight about my situation. I probably just need to get a critique partner to at least read one draft of the story to get another insightful view of my work.


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