Daily Archives: September 22, 2010

ACFW Conference 2010

I’m too tired to blog about the conference. If you have any specific questions, leave them in the comments and I’ll respond in another blog post. As I stated earlier, I’m a terrible reporter. I just don’t feel like typing up all of the wonderful details about the conference since I’m too tired and lazy right now and I’ve got to finish reading books that I agreed to review for blog tours, plus, I have some proposals that I need to polish and submit as a result of the meetings I had with editors and agents at the conference. As I’ve said on this blog before, if you want to get commercially published within the Christian market then ACFW is the place to be! All those industry professionals and writers under one roof! I had an awesome time and it was great networking, socializing and worshipping with other writers! I had a great time! Here’s some pics that other conferees took! I had my camera with me but failed to take any pictures. When I go to these events, I rarely take photos. I’m so busy having fun that I never take the time to take pics!
Me with local ACFW member Terri Haynes! Her entry was a finalist in the Genesis Contest!
Me with author Julie Lessman – the author of hot, spicy Christian romance. Her books are fantastic! I’ve reviewed her Daughters of Boston Series on this blog!
Me socializing with someone named Kathy. I met her at author Michelle Sutton’s chocolate party. If memory serves me correctly, she told me about her experiences self-publishing her book.
Me talking to author Gail Sattler. Her recent release, The Narrow Path, sounds quite interesting since the heroine is new-order Mennonite and the hero is old-order Mennonite. When I find the time, I’ll probably read her book.

Me, with a goofy, cheesy smile! I think I was winding down at this point, about ready to head back to my room to go to bed! I’d had my fill of chocolate by this time!

Me, sitting next to a woman named Cassandra at the awards banquet. I had NO IDEA this picture was being taken!

~Cecelia Dowdy~