Daily Archives: November 6, 2010

In Between By Jenny B. Jones

In Between by Jenny B. Jones

Katie Parker knows life isn’t fair. After all, when your mom’s in jail and your dad’s a no-show, you figure things just aren’t going your way. But hey, she can deal. Then she finds out she’s being sent to live with a foster family—in In Between, Texas. What kind of town has a name like In Between? And what kind of family wants a kid like her? One thing’s for certain: None of this will be good. Sure enough—thanks to some new “friends” and her non-Mom’s crazed mother, Mad Maxine—life sails right past bad to stinking. Then again, she’s just a temporary kid, they’re just temporary parents, and she definitely doesn’t have any ideas about making any of this permanent. God, on the other hand, may have other plans altogether.

This book was HILARIOUS! Seriously, you’ll find yourself, smiling, laughing and just enjoying this light, funny story about a teen-aged foster child. Katie Parker’s mom is in prison, and now she finds herself part of the foster care system. A husband and wife want Katie to live with them as their foster child in In Between Texas. When Katie gets to In Between, she’s thrown into a life that’s as foreign to her as if she were living in a different country. Her foster dad is a pastor, her foster mom is loving, caring, and cooks hearty, tasty meals for her family. Her foster grandmother is a cuckoo woman who gets on Katie’s nerves. As Katie tries to fit into her new family, it turns out to be a long, lesson-filled journey for her. She tries to find herself while trying out different elective classes in school, and she sits with a different crowd each day during lunch – trying to figure out where she belongs in her new school. She finds out the hard way that not everybody is her friend in her new environment. Katie also starts going to church and becomes friends with Frances, a beautiful, upbeat, Christian girl that helps Katie during her transition to the new town.

Katie’s foster parents harbor secrets and Katie is determined to find out what, exactly, causes the undercurrent of disharmony in her new home.

This was a light, funny read and if you like young adult fiction, then you should give this book a try.

~Cecelia Dowdy~