I’m hosting another Christmas book giveaway this year! ONE winner will win a box of Christmas books. You’ll see most of the titles that you’ll win at the beginning of this blog post. IF YOU WANT TO ENTER THE DRAWING YOU MUST DO TWO THINGS:

#1. You must join my mailing list! You can join my mailing list here:

If you’re already on my email list, then you can skip step one.

#2. You must comment on this blog post to enter and LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR BLOG POST – IF YOU DON’T LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR BLOG POST, THEN YOU WON’T BE ENTERED INTO THE CONTEST! I need an email address so that I can contact you if you win!

Also wanted to mention, that if you’re looking for some inexpensive stocking stuffers for Christmas, my novel collection, Chesapeake Weddings, is only $2.79 at Pick up a few to give to friends and family over the holidays!

I’ll be drawing the winner sometime over the next few weeks to ensure the winner gets the books in time to enjoy during the holidays! I will announce the winner’s first and last name and city and state on this blog. If you don’t want me to announce your full name, city, and state, on my blog then don’t enter the contest! I need to announce the winner publicly so that my blog readers will know that the contest is honest!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

90 thoughts on “Christmas Book Giveaway – YOU MUST FOLLOW THE RULES TO ENTER!

  1. Sandee61

    I’d love to be entered in your Christmas Book Giveaway…they all look really good. Thank you for the entry.

    I am a follower of your blog.



  2. aarbaugh

    Oh this is my favorite time of year and Christmas is my fav holiday. It’s especially sweet this year – giving thanks for guidance in getting through the heart attack, having great friends/family, and having a second chance at everything.

    Ann A

  3. Anonymous

    i really enjoy reading Christmas books around Christmas time and these seem like a nice selection of them. please enter my name for the draw. thanks.
    sarahwoll (at) hotmail (dot) com

  4. BB

    Hi Cecelia, with winter on it’s way curling up with a good book is the best way to spend the day. After I read them they will go into the Library at our church.

  5. BB

    Hi Cecelia, with the weather getting colder the best way to spend the day is curled up with a good Christian book. I look forward to winning this box of books. away. Also when I finish they will be donated to our church library for others to enjoy too.
    Thank you for giving them

  6. sadie crandle

    The joy of celebrating the birth of our King, a family to share that joy with, a white Christmas, 4 cats curled up next to you on the couch, some dutch hot chocolate, a perfectly browned turkey and a box of Christmas books under the tree … aahh … perfection!


  7. Moonpie

    What a great give away, not to mention a generous one. I am an avid reader and so is my elderly mother that lives with us, so the books would do double duty. I am hard pressed to keep her in reading material!

  8. Jess

    I’m on your email list. Looks like a joyful bunch of books. Count me in.
    Jessica Ferguson
    Lake Charles, Louisiana
    jessy31writer (at) aol (dot) com

    P.S. Hope you’re doing well and writing up a storm. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  9. misskallie2000

    I am an old email subscriber.
    I love Christmas stories and try to get 2-3 new books each yr then I re-read my favorites. I would love to win these great books. Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  10. Anonymous

    I love Christmas books. You have picked some real winners. I haven’t read any of them but have entered and not won some of them in contests so I would love to win them.


    I am a old subscriber.

  11. misskallie2000

    Hi Cecelia, I love Christmas stories and try to get 2-3 new ones each yr than go back and re-read my favorites. I love Christmas with the feelings of love and good cheer that greet you where ever you go. From store clerks, to people you pass, your neighbors, friends and family. Sometimes I wish Christmas could be all yr round because of the atmosphere of love that seems to be everwhere. I love Christmas carole’s and start listening and singing(not public lol) before Thanksgiving. Christmas is the day Jesus was born and His birth should be celebrated with much joy and love for our fellow beings.
    Thanks for this opportunity to enter your awesome Christmas Books giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  12. misskallie2000

    Hi again Cecelia. I am an old email subscriber and love to read your posts. I forgot to add this to my post above. JUst blame it on old

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  13. TK

    Hi Cecelia,

    This is Tammy Kay, I met you at your book conference with my husbands mom.

    I would like my name to be entered in the “Christmas Book Giveaway”.

    I love Christ~mas, it is my favorite time of the year.


  14. Anonymous

    Hi Cecelia,

    Those books look fabulous! Please enter me in the drawing.

    Deb Piccurelli

  15. bloomerbear

    I’m JUST starting to like Christmas but I LOVE to read…but I believe and ALWAYS will..that Jesus is the REason for the season

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thanks for the chance


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