Attention All Authors And Wannabe Authors!!!

Watch this video! It’s hilarious!!

Occasionally, I get questions from unpublished writers – and I’ve had a number of people to contact me, stating they want to get a book published, but then admit that they don’t read books…at all!!! The horrors to hear that from a person who wants to get a book published! It’s not easy, by any means, and this video spells it out pretty clearly, especially when someone has a naive view that they can get a book published, pronto!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

6 thoughts on “Attention All Authors And Wannabe Authors!!!

  1. Leola Harris

    I love that video, Cecilia. I had to laugh. Too cute. I am amazed at what all authors do for readers. I really look up to all of you because you bring me insight and pleasure. I think we should have an Author Day on the calendar. What do you think?

  2. Debby Lee

    Hi Cecelia, oh my, are there some people out there who are really “that” naive? It’s not only funny, but terrifying . . . and sad.


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