Introducing Author Rose McCauley! :-)

Rose McCauley was one of my critique partners several years ago! Our group was struggling to get that elusive publishing contract! Well, last September, Rose received a nice surprise at ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Conference! She received her very first book contract from Barbour for a Christmas novella! I received an email from Rose yesterday, telling me about her updated website and she’s also received her book cover! Isn’t it pretty?

Visit Rose’s website and her blog! Leave her a comment and congratulate her on her recent success! I especially like her tag line: Stories from small towns with huge hearts. I know it’s a bit into the future, but, when Autumn comes, if you see Rose’s book in Walmart or the bookstore, pick up a copy for yourself or give as a gift to a friend or family member! I look forward to reading her Christmas story! I’m sure it’s wonderful!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

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