5 thoughts on “Do You Prefer Male Or Female Novelists?

  1. Donna Winters


    Thanks so very much for the books you sent. I’m really honored to have one of your very own books with your autograph (and a three-in-one, at that)! Your note was very sweet and appreciated. I look forward to the good reading!

    I know your books arrived at my PO Box three days ago, but before I could get there, a storm moved in and dumped a foot of snow on us. We waited for roads to clear up before driving the eight miles up the road to the PO.

    Have a great weekend!

    Donna Winters

  2. Bethan Coulter

    I don’t have a preference based on gender. It’s probably based more on genre or topic than anything else. That said, I do read more female authors than male.


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