First Mates Now Available On The Kindle And The Nook! :-)

My Love Inspired title, First Mates, is available to order on the Nook and the Kindle. If you haven’t already read this story, be sure to download it and tell me what you think about this tale that was inspired by my multiple cruise ship trips!

A cruise around the Caribbean offered just what Rainy Jackson needed to get over her faithless ex-fiancé—sun, swimming and solitude. As the heat sank into her bones, she began to feel interest in the world again…and in handsome fellow passenger Winston Michaels.

Winston had also hoped for time alone to reflect. But finding a friend in faith in the lovely Rainy helped him deal with his twin sister’s death without relying on unhealthy means of deadening the pain. And Winston’s outlook brightened further when dates back home in Miami brought him and Rainy even closer. Would Rainy be the one to share Winston’s life voyage?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

2 thoughts on “First Mates Now Available On The Kindle And The Nook! :-)

  1. Bethany Coulter

    Congratulations, Cecelia, on having your books re-released for Kindle & Nook! I just bought a Nook before going on vacation last month, and I love it! It’s so easy to buy books, so I will make a point of downloading one of these. Oh – and congrats, too, on getting a literary agent! (I believe I saw that in one of your emails to the MidAtlantic loop.)

  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Thanks so much for your support, Bethany! I’m glad you like your Nook! I really need to purchase an e-reader, too! I’ve been dragging my feet about that, though! I hope you had a great vacation, and thanks for the congrats regarding my literary agent!


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