Daily Archives: May 30, 2011

Good Ol’ Southern Hospitality

When people mention “The South” what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

When I think of the south, I think of sweet Georgia peaches…

Photo courtesy of Suat Eman – Free Digital Photos
I also think about a nice cold pitcher of iced tea, served in frosted glasses with slices of juicy, bright yellow lemons…

When I think of the south, the first thing I think about is southern hospitality. When I was in Durham last weekend, I went to the drugstore to get my son some cold and allergy medicine. As soon as I walked into the store, the clerk approached me at the door, wanting to know if I needed help finding anything. We don’t get that kind of treatment over here in Maryland. If I go to the drug store and need help, it might take me awhile to find somebody to help me, and, sometimes the workers don’t care and may tell you the wrong information – like saying an item is on row 5 when it’s really on row 12.

When we went to The Waffle House in Durham for breakfast, as soon as we walked in the door, the hostess, as well as the entire staff behind the counter greeted, “Good morning.” It’s treatment that I’m not used to in Maryland.

I recall visiting Atlanta several years ago for a business trip. When we went out to lunch and we walked to the restaurant, everybody that saw us on the sidewalk said hello – we didn’t even know these people. Over here in Maryland, we don’t really speak to one another unless we have a personal relationship with that person. It’s just a way of behavior that I’m not exposed to in Maryland.

So, what do you think about The South? Are people friendlier over there?

BTW, several people have told me over the years that Maryland is considered The South, but, I don’t consider Maryland the South….but, I guess it’s all a matter of opinion.

~Cecelia Dowdy~