Winner And Rejection

The winner for the April Book Giveaway is:
Diana Donnelly – Thayne, WY

Diana, I’ll be mailing your books out to you within the next week. Everybody else, I’ll be posting TWO book giveaways soon. One will be a stand-alone book with an author interview, and the other will be another box of books. Visit my blog often for updates for these giveaways!

Also, wanted to mention that I’ve gotten a couple of rejections over the last few months. I forgot to blog about these. Some have asked why I blog about rejections..why? It’s part of being a writer and I think it helps unpublished writers to see what the rejections say. I like to focus on both the negative and positive aspects of writing to give a realistic view of the industry. Here’s what my most recent rejection said:

Thank you for submitting the proposal for (title of my work). I’m sorry to say that this title is somewhat like some of our other titles. We’re going to release an “identical twin brother” story later this year. However, while that title isn’t necessarily a romance novel it’s a little too close and we don’t want our readers to think that we’re publishing the same story over and over.

Again, we’d like to see some new ideas and hope that Cecelia Dowdy can provide something more for the (XXXX) team to review.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

2 thoughts on “Winner And Rejection

  1. Brandi

    Thank you for sharing the letter, Cecelia. On a positive note, the publisher is interested in seeing more of your work. From the books that I have read of yours, I have no doubt that you will hear some good news from a publisher soon!

    I love reading romances about African-Americans and other multicultural characters who express their love in a Christian manner. Keep it up!


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