Daily Archives: June 15, 2011

And The Shofar Blew By Francine Rivers

Yesterday’s blog post about The Ambition made me think about another book. The Ambition reminded me about the Francine Rivers novel, And The Shofar Blew, a little bit. I read Shofar several years ago. I recall it being a page turner and the book portrayed a church that had gotten huge and the church was no longer focused on Jesus or the Gospel. Also, if I remember correctly, the pastor of the huge church used to be a humble preacher who wanted to preach the gospel to his small flock – but all of that changed once his church became large and popular. That’s about all I can recall about the story, and I really enjoyed it.

Have you read And The Shofar Blew? If so, did you like it?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

In the Old Testament, God called his people to action with the blast of the shofar, a ram’s horn. God still calls his people today. In this relevant and timely contemporary novel, dynamic young preacher Paul Hudson is committed to building his church—but at what cost? As Paul’s zeal and ambition build, he loses sight of the One who called him. As Paul and those around him struggle to discern what it truly means to live out their faith, they must ultimately choose between their own will or God’s plan.