The Deal, The Dance, And The Devil By Victoria Christopher Murray

The Deal, The Dance, And The Devil by Victoria Christopher Murray

First Timothy 6:10 – For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

This scripture is what ran through my mind as I was reading this novel. Adam and Evia Langston are a happily married couple with three kids. Adam was laid off from his well-paying corporate job several months ago and now the family is struggling to survive. Their savings have been depleted and they’re in danger of losing their home to foreclosure.

Evia works for Shay-Shante (the owner of a mega-hair-care company). Shay Shante makes Evia a deal that’s extremely hard to take seriously. Shay offers Evia five million dollars in exchange for one weekend alone with Adam (Evia’s husband). Evia is floored by this offer and she initially says no.

As the story progresses, you learn about other financial obligations that the Langstons are responsible for, like the monthly stipend that’s paid to Evia’s ghetto family and the funds they have to pay for Adam’s mother who’s now in an upscale nursing home.

I was drawn to this story because it shows how much we can come to depend upon money instead of God. Evia and Adam are a Christian couple but their faith is extremely tested when they’re faced with financial hardship.

You also get a glimpse of how Evia and Adam met and how strong their love was. I don’t want to give spoilers but, money can change relationships. Although having some extra cash to pay your bills is nice, being indebted to somebody can bring a whole set of new problems into your life.

You should read this novel if you want to see a realistic example of how money can mess with a strong, Christian marriage.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? Do you think you could give up your spouse to another person for one weekend for five million dollars?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

2 thoughts on “The Deal, The Dance, And The Devil By Victoria Christopher Murray

  1. Bernard

    I have not read the book and no I wouldn’t take that deal. I actually looked at the book the other day at walmart but I don’t know if I’ll purchase it. It sounds a lot like that movie that Demi Moore was in. I don’t remember the name of it.

  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Thanks for commenting, Bernard. Yes, the movie you are referring to is Indecent Proposal, I believe? As a matter of fact, I met this author at a booksigning event at a restaurant in DC about a month or so ago. She did mention that she got the premise for her storyline from that movie.


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