Daily Archives: August 4, 2011

The Changing World Of Publishing

I’ve been feeling a bit melancholy of late. Reason why? I’m still kind of bummed that the Heartsong Presents line is being cancelled. I was working on a proposal to send to them, and then I heard about that.

Top it off with Borders shutting down a few weeks ago.

The publishing world is changing drastically. Since Borders is now closed, I’ve wondered about the fate of printed books? I just received my Kindle e-reader as a birthday gift and I love it. Do you think we’re moving toward the time where printed books will be history and will no longer exist?

I’ve also heard in various writers’ circles that other publishers will eventually get rid of their trade paperback books. Just makes me stop and wonder.

Also, I’ve noticed that a slew of commercially-published authors have started releasing self-pubbed e-books. I’ve heard some make great money and others have not had that much success in sales and money. Will the book world change so much that commercial publishers will cease to exist and everybody self-publishes e-books? Those who are deemed to be successful are the ones who make lots of $$$?

Or, I also wonder if commercial publishers will get even more picky about the authors that they want to publish. Do you think that commercial publishers might reach the point where they choose new authors from the selection of successfully published e-authors?

What’s the point of this blog post? I’m not sure! I’m just thinking about the vast changes being made in the world of publishing and trying to digest everything. I know it’s gonna be hard to figure this all out. I just think it’ll be weird and a bit sad if we ever reach the point where… there are NO MORE BOOKSTORES!!

~Cecelia Dowdy~