
Have you ever experienced an earthquake or a tremor? What did it feel like?

It was a scary day. I live in Maryland and we don’t really get earthquakes. But, I was sitting at my desk and I felt a slight tremor in the floor. The tremor got louder and louder and the building started to shake. I screamed and my coworkers and I wondered what was going on. We figured it was an earthquake and the building was evacuated. I’m still thinking about it. This scripture came to my mind when I was standing outside of the evacuated building:

Luke 21:10-11
10Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Today’s earthquake made me wonder if Maryland would be seeing more earthquakes. So, have you ever experienced and earthquake or a tremor? What did it feel like?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

3 thoughts on “Earthquake!!!

  1. And That's What I Think About That.

    I’ve felt a slight tremor once, maybe twice, before in this area that felt like maybe a large truck had driven by. On both occasions I wouldn’t have known it was from the earth until I read news accounts or heard from others. Yesterday was scary! At my desk each day around 4:29 pm the Acela train ripping through Elkton makes a rumble from the ground that I can slightly hear & feel only if I’m sitting down. What I remember the most from yesterday as I first realized a true quake was that my computer monitor, a flat screen elevated by a long narrow stand from my desk top, was wobbling so hard from side to side I could hear a squeaky, plastic rattle. It rendered me speechless for seconds until we got an announcement to move to the hallway (civil defense drill style), then evacuate. “Earthquake” is NOT one of the potential emergencies we practice for! Could have been worse, but makes one think, doesn’t it? So glad our 16,000+ students were not yet in class. What a great discussion they’ll have in all their classes tomorrow!

  2. Brandi

    I experienced an earthquake in my hometown of Youngstown, Ohio about twelve years ago. I was in an elevator when it happened. Yikes! The cables shook but the elevator reached the top floor of the parking garage. When I got out, people asked me if I felt the ground shake. At first I thought it was just a problem with the elevator. It wasn’t until I got home that my grandmother told me that it was an earthquake. About 4.0 or 5.0.

    I have family that live and work in Maryland/DC. It took them 3 hours to get home. So glad to hear that you’re ok, Cecelia.


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