Daily Archives: September 2, 2012

Love Starts With Elle by Rachel Hauck

Love Starts With Elle by Rachel Hauck

Have you ever been presented with a highly-appealing opportunity, and you accepted it, even though you had serious doubts?

Elle has a happy life living in her small southern town. Realizing she has “no talent” as an artist, she runs her successful art gallery. She’s also dating Jeremiah, a pastor at her church. Jeremiah’s charismatic personality is appealing to Elle, and when he asks her to marry him, she says yes.

However, problems crop up once Jeremiah moves to his new mega-church in Dallas. Jeremiah’s career takes all of his time, leaving little time for him to spend with Elle. His charismatic attitude turns domineering when he “forces” Elle to sell her gallery, and after he breaks an important promise to her, their relationship tumbles downward.

Amidst this downward spiral, Elle finds solace from Heath, a recent widower with a four-year-old daughter. Heath needs some time to heal from his recent loss, plus, he needs to spend some time with his daughter. Taking a hiatus from his high-powered job, he rents Elle’s cottage for six months while she bunks in the nearby art studio.

The story takes an interesting turn as Elle and Heath grow closer and Jeremiah shows up, back from Dallas, wanting to reunite with Elle. Should she give Jeremiah a second chance, or, should she continue her budding relationship with Heath.

This story shows how we should listen to the Lord’s guidance in our lives. At times, we may be presented with an opportunity, and we believe that this opportunity is all that we’ve hoped for. Yet, there’s a niggling doubt in the back of our minds, and such an opportunity may not be what the Lord wants in our lives, but, it’s hard to let such an opportunity go since it’s what we THINK we want.

Elle had doubts when Jeremiah asked her to marry him. They had not been dating for long, yet, she accepted his proposal. Seconds after she accepted, he throws information at her, information that she should’ve known before he proposed. Sometimes, we should listen to our inner voice, the Lord’s nudging, about our decisions, but, that’s so hard to do once we “know” what we’re seeking.

This was a good read with a strong inspirational message.

So, have you ever accepted a highly-appealing opportunity and regretted your decision later? Did you feel the Lord was trying to tell you “NO” by your experiencing doubts and insecurities about your decision? Leave a comment!

~Cecelia Dowdy~
