4 thoughts on “Amish Fiction – Interesting Article

  1. z

    Hey Cecilia. Looks like you’ve moved. I like the new layout of your blog.

    Hope your doing well.

    I didn’t know the Amish even wrote fiction, but hey, what do I know. I had watched an interesting documentary though, a while back, about the Amish life. I think it was on PBS or KQED. It was talking about the history of the Amish from probably the 1800’s until now. The triumphs and even their struggles with living in this high paced society but still keeping Amish morals and values intact. I enjoyed the show so much, before you knew it, it was 12 midnight and time to go to bed. It was a really good show.

    Anyway, I hope your doing well. Keep blogging.

    1. novelistcd Post author

      So nice to hear from you again. Yes, I moved awhile back. I just found it much easier and more convenient to have my blog feed directly into my website. The TV show you describe sounds interesting. I would like to see it. The only Amish show I saw recently was on the National Geographic channel. Actually, it was an ex-Amish show. This man who told his story and narrated the show, focused on those who’d left the Amish and had been shunned. It was kind of sad, actually very sad. One young man left the Amish faith, he wasn’t even 20 years old yet, he was about 19, I guess. He was in a bad accident and his Amish family refused to come and see him in the hospital. Initially, this young man didn’t even know if he was going to live and his family still shunned him while he was hurting. He recovered, but, his family refused to accept him.

      The narrator pointed out that some Amish are more open-minded than others. When he told of a similar experience to the Amish in Lancaster county, PA, the PA Amish man said that his Amish people in his community would not have shunned that young man. They would’ve come to his aid – which is what Jesus would want us to do.

  2. z

    I agree. Maybe even amongst the Amish, different communities do different things than let’s say an Amish community in another state or even another county.

    Have a great rest of the week.


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