Daily Archives: November 12, 2012

The Christmas Pony By Melody Carlson

The Christmas Pony by Melody Carlson

When you were a child, which gift did you MOST want to receive for Christmas? Did you receive this most-wanted gift for the holiday?

It’s 1937 and Lucy Turnball wants a pony for Christmas. However, times are hard and her mother and grandmother struggle to make ends meet since the death of her father. They own a rooming house yet, they have no boarders.

However, things change when two boarders, George and Veronica, show up at their home. Veronica is beautiful, glamorous, and she’s anxious to get to Hollywood to become a movie star! George is quiet and thoughtful. Why are they traveling together? Also, why are there strange vibes between George and Lucy’s mother?

As Lucy gets to know George and Veronica, she realizes that first appearances are not always accurate. She also stresses about playing the angel in the Christmas play. Will she get to play the coveted role this year?

This book was a light, somewhat fun read and I could imagine a lot of children and young teens would enjoy this story since it’s told from the viewpoint of a 12-year-old girl. It’s a nice Christmas story to enjoy over the holidays along with a cup of warm cocoa.

So, when you were a child, which gift did you MOST want to receive for Christmas? Did you receive this most-wanted gift?


~Cecelia Dowdy~