Saturday Matinee! Breaking Dawn Part 2!

Why is the Twilight series so popular?

I saw Breaking Dawn Part 2, yesterday, at nine o’clock in the morning. I didn’t even realize movies were open so early!

This movie stayed pretty true to the novel, Breaking Dawn.

Bella awakens and she’s now a vampire! Hungry for blood she goes on a search for food in the woods, along with her husband Edward. Edward has to try and tame his wife’s desire to feed on humans. Meanwhile, Bella’s and Edward’s child, who is half mortal and half vampire, is mistaken for full-vampire child (an immortal child). This mistake places their child’s life in danger. An immortal child is extremely dangerous because of the child’s tender age, the youngster is uncontrollable in society.

As usual, there’s fighting, werewolves, and just plain weirdness…after all, it’s Twilight. It’s an entertaining weirdness though. I enjoyed the movie about as much as I enjoyed the book. There’s a brilliant scene near the end that I’m sure will have you on the edge of your seat.

So, why do you think the Twilight series (both the books and the movies) is so popular? Leave a comment!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

4 thoughts on “Saturday Matinee! Breaking Dawn Part 2!

  1. Rachel Brand

    I have to admit, as much as I liked the Twilight books, I’ve only seen the first two films. Going to the cinema is expensive when you’re a student, and I keep forgetting to have a look at my library’s DVD collection. I read the Twilight books when I was in my last year of high school because the first film was being released and I wanted to see what all the hype was about (yes, I am really that young!). I liked the first two books (although Bella’s pining over Edward really bugged me in New Moon) but I think I ended up enjoying the last two more because of the action scenes. I liked the way Meyer developed her ideas of how vampires and werewolves worked, it was certainly original. When I was a preteen, I thought vampires were pretty cool but I remember the only vampire books around portrayed them as evil, so Meyer’s take was original. Now it seems like you can’t get rid of books about vampires and werewolves! I liked the Twilight books, and I did read Shiver (a teen werewolf romance) but I’m not so caught up in the phase as some of my peers were (and are). So personally…I’m not sure what all the fuss is about! They were fun books, good escapism, and original at the time, but I think the last time I obsessively pined after a romantic hero was when I was about thirteen. The middle-aged, married women who pine after Edward are just as worrying as the eleven-year-olds who plaster their bedroom walls with Twilight movie posters!

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Hi, Rachel

      Thanks for commenting. Personally, I don’t think Edward (in the movies) was very good looking. In the books, he’s drop-dead GORGEOUS, and I just don’t think Robert Pattinson fits the bill. Not sure why some middle-aged women are fawning over him! I’ve never heard of Shiver before.

      Yes, Meyer doesn’t portray Edward as evil, so, that’s a unique vampire angle, plus, I agree throwing the werewolves in there and having them work together to overcome evil, is an interesting twist to the story and may prove why the novels (and the movies) are so popular!

  2. Judy DeVries

    The movies were what got me reading. I went to Twilight not really having a clue what it was about. Just a vampire movie. When it ended with more to come, I asked a friend about it and she mentioned the books. I actually liked the movie in my mind much better. Anyways, that is what got me into reading and I still go see the movies. They do stay pretty close. I think the ones after the original Twilight have been better.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Hi, Judy

      Although the movies stay pretty true to the books, I still enjoy the books much more than the movies. But, I usually feel that way when a book is turned into a movie. I believe the book leaves more to the imagination, plus, it makes it possible for me to connect more with the characters in a book.

      I started reading Twilight right after the first movie was released. I wondered what the big deal was about these books. I read the first book and I got hooked. Didn’t enjoy the 2nd and 3rd ones so much, but, I did enjoy the fourth.


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