Saturday Matinee! The Secret Life Of Bees!

The Secret Life Of Bees

Have you ever run away from home? If you did, what happened after you left?

I reviewed the novel, The Secret Life Of Bees, recently. The movie stayed true to the book, for the most part. Lily doesn’t feel loved at all. When her abusive, non-emotional father punishes her for something she did not do, Lily figures she’s had enough. When their housekeeper, Rosaleen, is arrested for an altercation with some white men, Lily breaks Rosaleen out of jail, figuring she’s going to get killed. They run away,  ending up in a small town, a town affiliated with Lily’s  deceased mother.

Set in the sixties, this movie deals with issues of racial unrest, coming of age, and religion. Lily and Rosaleen are taken in by a family of sisters (May, June, and August). The sisters make their living from the honey they produce at their beehives, set on their vast acreage of property. August becomes a mentor to Lily, teaching her about life and the beekeeping business. Lily also meets Zach, August’s employee and a friend of the family. Lily is drawn to Zach as she searches for answers about her deceased mother.

This movie was pretty good. I enjoyed watching it. I especially like how Lily’s character grows and matures throughout the film.

So, have you ever run away from home? If you did, what happened after you left?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

2 thoughts on “Saturday Matinee! The Secret Life Of Bees!

  1. Kathy Eberly

    When I was young I wanted to run away from home and my mother told me that that was fine as long as I cleaned my room first. I never did leave. My room was too messy.

    1. novelistcd Post author

      Kathy, that is so funny. When I was little, my younger sister “ran away” from home. She felt my mom showed favoritism towards be during breakfast since our mom gave me the over-easy egg WITHOUT the broken yoke! Since her egg yolk was broken, she got angry. She said, “I’m running away.” She took a some cans of soup and a blanket and she went up the street…that was it!!! LOL!! The whole incident was forgotten by mid-day (lunch time!)


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