Saturday Matinee! – Meet Joe Black

What would you do if Death came to claim you? How would you spend your last days – right before your 65th birthday?

That’s the premise of the movie, Meet Joe Black. “Joe” aka “Death” has come to claim the life Bill Parrish, a millionaire business tycoon. During Bill’s last days, he struggles to come to terms with his imminent death while spending more time with his family.

“Joe” “takes” the body of a man who was recently hit by an automobile. Before this man was killed by an automobile, he meets Susan, Bill Parrish’s daughter. Susan is quite taken with the young man, but, they make NO plans to meet again before this stranger is killed by an automobile (unbeknownst to Susan).

When she meets the stranger again, at her father’s dinner table, she’s confused because she doesn’t realize that the stranger is no longer himself, but, that Death has taken on the body of the deceased stranger.

I thought the chemistry between Joe and Susan was amazing and very deep. I enjoyed this movie, but, since it was a fantasy (and I’m not a big fan of fantasies), I was a bit confused at the end.




If you’ve seen this movie, maybe you could clear something up for me. What happens at the end? Joe takes Bill Parrish away, but, then he reappears as the deceased stranger we saw in the coffee shop at the beginning of the movie? Does Death have the ability to grant the coffee-shop guy his life again? Is one person’s life exchanged for another?

So, what would you do if Death came to claim you? How would you spend your last days – right before your 65th birthday? Leave a comment!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

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