Daily Archives: January 6, 2013

Vanished By Irene Hannon


Vanished by Irene Hannon

Moira is driving on a dark, country road on a rainy night. She’s lost and when she spots a distressed woman, she accidentally hits the woman with her car. Distressed, she wants to help this woman and a man appears, offering her help and solace. Moira then passes out, and when she awakens, she discovers that she can’t find the woman whom she’s hit and she can’t find the man who offered his assistance. Plus, there are other disturbing things that happened during the course of her accident that don’t add up.

Determined to get to the bottom of that dark, rainy night, she hires Cal, a former policeman who runs a private detective agency. Cal and Moira are instantly attracted to one another as they work together, trying to piece together the clues they find from the crime scene.

This is a suspenseful, intriguing romance with Christian characters. The characters are also overcoming their past emotional experiences so that they can be free to find love again. Over all, this was a good read. Thanks to Baker Revell with providing me a free review copy.



~Cecelia Dowdy~