Me, Myself, And Him

Me, Myself, And Him by E.N. Joy

Locksie, a hairdresser, is living in sin with her boyfriend Dawson. Dawson is a personal trainer at the gym, and he’s the first man with whom she’s ever had intercourse. Locksie has been feeling guilty about her relationship with Dawson and her saved Aunt Mary tells her that she needs to develop a relationship with Jesus – her guilt stems from the sin that she’s committing.

The novel dealt with a cast of realistic characters with realistic issues. You have Drake, Dawson’s brother, who’s a saved man who has a deep relationship with Jesus Christ. Dawson finds himself lusting after another man’s wife and he prays, wanting God to forgive him and lift his unhealthy desire.

There’s also Hannah, who is married to Elkan. Hannah is a light-skinned Black woman, she’s so light that people think she’s a White woman. Hannah has issues in her marriage because Elkan cheated on her, and had a baby by his one-time mistress. This distresses Hannah since she’s unable to conceive.

This story reminded me of a soap opera, a soap opera with a Christian message. This novel was full of drama and snappy, realistic dialogue, and it showed realistic characters struggling with realistic issues that affect their faith journeys. It was a highly engaging read and I look forward to reading more novels by this author.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

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