Saturday Matinee – Wicker Park

Can you imagine being followed around by a former love interest?

Matt is engaged to his fiancée, Rebecca, and is about to embark on a business trip to China. At a restaurant, he believes he hears the voice of Lisa, his former love interest. Lisa disappeared two years ago and Matt’s always wondered what’s happened to her.

During a series of events, he thinks he spots Lisa various places and you find out more about the history of Matt’s and Lisa’s love affair though flashbacks.

I was so bored with this movie that I couldn’t finish watching it. I think the story moved too slow, and I just couldn’t get into the story.

If you’ve seen this movie, did you enjoy it? If you enjoyed it, it’d be interesting to hear why you liked it.

~Cecelia Dowdy~



2 thoughts on “Saturday Matinee – Wicker Park

  1. Diane

    Our Church rarely has food catered in, and we have plenty of potlucks. I’ve never had anything that wasn’t good… I can’t come up with anything that stands out from the rest… Guess I’m easy to please.. Main dishes, salads and desserts are all raved about every time. I can easily say our church is comprised of GOOD COOKS!


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