Sunday Brunch – Should Christians Abstain From Blood?

Back in the days of my childhood when I was involved with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, they always stressed that God did not want us to take blood into our bodies – it was a sin. If a Jehovah’s Witness were to take blood (via blood transfusion), then that person would be kicked out of the organization and shunned. Even if getting the transfusion was a life or death decision, you would still be “disfellowshipped/removed” from the organization if you agreed to have blood taken into your body.

This issue comes to my mind whenever the subject of blood is discussed. Do you think the attitude of taking blood/not taking blood is a bit legalistic? What are your views on the subject?

Of course, I realize that taking blood will NOT affect your salvation, however, I have to wonder if it’s a sin, the same way that pre-marital sex, drunkenness, etc. are sins.

The Apostle Paul mentions blood in these scriptures:

Acts 15:29

You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell.

Acts 21:25

As for the Gentile believers, we have written to them our decision that they should abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality.”

Leave a comment and share your thoughts!


~Cecelia Dowdy~


8 thoughts on “Sunday Brunch – Should Christians Abstain From Blood?

  1. Ausjenny

    Its a hard one cos I guess back then maybe they were drinking blood or taking it in some way. I know for me if not for blood transfussions I know I would not be here now.

  2. Cynthia Hampton

    The Jehovah’s Witnesses legalistically use their laws against blood transfusions to control their people. The Levitical laws concerning blood in the Old Testament were meant to show that first, blood was part of the sacrifice for sins in the burnt offerings and sin offerings. Second,God wanted his people to have that healthy respect for blood and not drink it and mimic some of the gentile nations who did human sacrifice and drank the blood. Orthodox Jews today even soak their meats in a brine solution to remove all traces of blood.

    The biggest difference between the biblical laws on blood and the Watchtower laws on blood is this: In the Old testament, animals lost their lives and were sacrificed; their blood was part of the sin offering. Gentiles who used human sacrifice and drank blood also had to take someone’s life to use that blood. But, as a medical procedure a blood transfusion will save a life, not take a life! The Watchtower has things completely backwards!

  3. Terri

    All I know is the JW organization has wrongly used this doctrine to separate them “from the world” and use it unjustly to determine a person’s spiritual health ans incorrctly directly connect this to a person’s salvation. In Leviticus chapter 17, the punishment for “eating meat with blood in it” was to TAKE A BATH! This is not one of the ten commandments, nor was it punishable by death. In 1st Samuel chapter 14, eating meat with blood in it is identified as a sin, but yet, most Christians do not adhere to a kosher diet, WHY? Because we are no longer under Mosiac law, THAT was naile to the cross when Jesus PAID FOR our sins in FULL with ….. HIS BLOOD…. The blood of Christ FREES us and gives us LIFE. Great blog! hugs Terri

  4. Jennifer

    I have never understood it at all until I read the bible in full. Also love they way all of you put your responses. I just want to add something. God gave us our first transfusion the moment we were formed enough in our mamma’s belly to receive her blood, its what fed us and help us grow into that newborn baby. God did that. Now why would he be against us living if we need another transfusion because of an illness or an accident?


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