Daily Archives: February 22, 2013

African-American Books – From The Blog Archives

Do you read books by African-American (AA) authors?

Many African-Americans will only read books by AA authors. Also, most bookstores have a separate section for AA books.

While I was growing up, there were few AA authors, so I read ANY NOVEL that I could find, the race of the author didn’t matter to me! I was joyous when the publishing scene exploded with lots of AA books (I was an adult by this time.)

My question to all of you is, if you are NOT African-American, do you mind reading African-American fiction? Do you feel that AA books are only written for other African-Americans? If you go to a bookstore, and see the AA section, would you go to that section and browse, or do you feel that those books are only for AA readers?

And if you are AA, do you ONLY read books by AA authors, or do you read books by people of all races? Over the years, I’ve met several African-Americans who tell me that they’ll only read AA authors.

I’ll start by responding to my own question. I’ll read a novel as long as it’s well-written and enjoyable. I don’t care if the author or characters are AA or not, I’m gonna read the book regardless. If I don’t like it, I won’t finish reading it!

I doubt that God would want us to separate our reading tastes like this. I’d think he’d want us to be open-minded and read books by authors of all races.

Leave your responses in the comments! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~