Grounds To Believe by Shelley Bates

Grounds To Believe by Shelley Bates

Have you ever been involved in a cult, or, known someone who’s been involved in one? What happened when you (or whomever) was involved with that group?

Ross Malcolm has a young daughter and he’s desperate to find his child. Years ago, he was involved with a woman (the mother of his child) who ran away with his daughter to join a cult. Ross has not seen his child in years, and wonders about her fate. A Christian, Ross is determined to investigate cults, hoping to stop their unreasonable practices.

Ross is alerted to investigate a cult when a pattern of mysterious children’s deaths becomes suspicious. When he rolls into town on his motorbike, he meets Julia, a member of The Elect, the cult he’s been called to investigate. He finds himself attracted to the beautiful plain-dressed woman. His ruse requires him to act as if he’s interested in becoming one of the Elect – the Elect feel that they are the only saved ones on this earth – all other religions are worldly and influenced by Satan.

I really loved this book because I saw several elements that were familiar in the cult environment. For example, The Elect don’t believe in having a personal relationship with Jesus – their salvation depends upon their Shepherd and his rules – God only speaks to them through their Shepherd and he decides their fate, not God. Also, they watch one another, if one rule is broken or bended, you could be Silenced, scorned for life, doomed to a life of Hell. Makes me wonder how one can stay enmeshed within a cult for so long – but, I suppose after being in it for so long and it’s all you know, you become close to the other members, and they’re like your family. It’d be kinda hard to give all that up if you don’t have others in the world in which to turn. The members of the Elect kinda reminded me of the Amish and the Shakers with their judgmental attitudes.

This was a good read over all! So have you ever been involved in a cult, or known someone who has? What happened? Tell me about the experience by leaving a comment!

Need a good, emotional romance? Try John’s Quest, on sale now for 99 cents!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

4 thoughts on “Grounds To Believe by Shelley Bates

  1. Martha Artyomenko

    When was this book published? I have read books written on people that belonged to cults with curiosity as the info often I found is trite or the people are made out to be stupid.

    In my experience, I found that people that belonged or get involved in a cult are some of the great thinkers of society. They are the ones that are not satisfied to be content with the basics, they wanted more, other people that long for power, control and are experts at manipulating use this to their advantage and prey on them, using their minds against them.

    Yes, I belonged to a church that evolved slowing into a cult like group, with very controlling tendencies. There are still good things about it, that I actually look back and miss, but the abuse and control that the women were put under in the group was incredible. God helped me to leave physically almost 11 years ago, and I left my membership apx. 7.5-8 years ago. One of the church leaders is a polygamist now with three wives.

    I learned a ton from the experience.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Martha, I’m glad you had the courage to leave that cult. From my understanding, a lot of cults create a separated, isolated, close environment and when you remove yourself from them, you basically lose all of your friends and family! A polygamist with 3 wives? Wow! Sounds like some of those old order Mormon groups!

  2. Catherine Richmond

    I enjoyed this series! It made me think about being approachable, not condemning, to those in cults. If someone wants to leave, they need to have support outside.


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