Love Letters – From The Blog Archives

by Cecelia Dowdy

This is a repeat of an old blog post! I thought I’d re-post since Valentine’s Day is tomorrow!

Do you remember your very first love letter?

My blog post about my childhood pen pals made me think about other forms of written communication from my childhood, mainly, my first love letter.

The first time I received a love letter was when I was in the sixth grade and I was eleven years old. I sat at my assigned desk during math class. When I was about to leave, I looked down and saw a piece of notebook paper under my seat. I picked it up and was shocked to see the words from a secret admirer…my secret admirer! I don’t remember what the note said, BUT, I do remember that this person had taken a piece of masking tape and attached a nickel to the note as a gift for me!

Believe it or not, I never did find out who wrote me that letter! I recall being kind of upset that he’d only left me a nickel…it was the seventies and there wasn’t much that you could purchase at the store for five cents! I recall wishing he’d left me a dollar instead!

After that, I don’t really recall writing love letters very much, but, I remember my female friends in high school and college writing letters and secret notes to guys that they had a crush on. The only time I remember exchanging love letters was with my husband and it was via email. We met through an online dating service and while we dated we sent several emails to each other. As a matter of fact, we still exchange emails! 🙂

So do you remember writing or receiving your first love letter? Who was it from? To whom did you address your first love letter?
Leave your response in the comments!

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~Cecelia Dowdy~


6 thoughts on “Love Letters – From The Blog Archives

  1. Jaime Wright

    I remember writing love letters in my teens and then wishing I could retract every single one of them 🙂 I have a few handwritten notes from my husband that I’ll cherish forever.

  2. Nancy Weeks

    This is such a fun post, Cecelia!
    When my husband and I were engaged, he moved to Maryland while I was still at the University of Texas. We were separated for three months before our wedding that September. There were a lot letters sent back and forth because we were too poor to pay for long distance. I still have those letters. I think that is one thing very sad about email. People don’t print out emails, fold them up and set them in a drawer to take out and read again—for thirty-one years! 🙂
    Happy Valentine’s Day,
    Hugs, Nancy

  3. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Nancy

    Yes, it is nice and sentimental to keep letters. I’ve kept the Valentine’s Day cards that my husband has given to me over the years! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too! 🙂

  4. Missy Lee

    I think it was from my husband. I don’t remember any before then. We’ve been together since we were 17. We’re 37 now.


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