Saturday Matinee – Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can

Have you ever run away from home (or know someone who has)? If so, how did you manage to make a living?

This movie was great! I think I enjoyed it so much because it dealt with counterfeiting checks and dishonest behavior. Frank Abernathy is an extremely intelligent and troubled teen. When his parents get divorced, he runs away from home, but, he’s able to make a living with his shrewd mind and dishonest behavior. He poses as a Pan Am airline pilot, a doctor and a lawyer. He was able to con his way through these roles and he was just a teenager!

While conning his way through these occupations, Frank would create checks and cash them. He also charmed the women he met (like the bank tellers), engaging them in flattering conversations so that he could gain their trust.

I really enjoyed this movie because it was exciting and I really wanted to see if Frank would get caught by the end.

This movie was based upon a true story and it starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks.

So, have you ever run away from home (or know someone who has)? If so, how did you manage to make a living?


~Cecelia Dowdy~

4 thoughts on “Saturday Matinee – Catch Me If You Can

  1. Kitchen guy

    I love this movie. I did know someone who ran away actually, and went to stay with her aunt for a while when she was fifteen, but then eventually went back home. I think there were some complex differences to sort out there.

  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Kitchen Guy

    Yes, I agree that your friend had some serious issues to sort out. I’m working on a novel now, and one of the secondary characters, a teenager, gets his girlfriend pregnant. He runs away to marry her, but they return because they run out of money! 🙁

  3. Martha Artyomenko

    I never ran away, although I considered it! But my logic won out and I generally just went for a walk instead.

    I heard Frank’s story, first years ago on a Focus on the Family interview. It was such an amazing story of how you can use your brains, I am glad he is on our side now!

  4. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Martha

    I didn’t realize Frank’s story was featured on Focus On The Family! How interesting! Thanks for sharing that with me!

    I often wanted to run away from home, but, logic won out! Alas, I had no money, and had no means to support myself, so, I stayed until it was time for me to leave home and go away to college!


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