Sunday Brunch – Why Do Different Races Worship Separately?

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Do you worship at a mixed-race church, or, is your church predominantly one race?

Whenever I read the above-quoted scripture, I think about how we worship. Why do you think African-Americans and Whites worship separately? Are we presently separated  in the church by race because African-Americans were forced to be separated in the past (through slavery and segregation)?

Or, are we separated because of differing worship styles? I realize some separation in the church is obviously due to do differed religious beliefs. However, in this blog post, I’m focusing on racial separation within the church.

I’ve worshiped in different race environments. As a child, the Kingdom Hall where I worshiped had mixed races. After I broke away from that faith, as an adult, I began worshiping at an AME church (African-American Episcopal). Currently, my family and I worship at a mixed race Baptist church. However, I don’t consider myself a Baptist or an AME, I consider myself a CHRISTIAN.

So, is your church a mixed-raced church, or, are the members predominantly one race? What was the racial makeup of churches where you worshiped in the past!

Leave a comment!


~Cecelia Dowdy~

10 thoughts on “Sunday Brunch – Why Do Different Races Worship Separately?

  1. Ausjenny

    Our church has a mixture of races. We also tend to get alot of back packers from Asia who come and worship. Currently we have around 3 from Korea visiting with us. We do have some churches in the city that are more for one nationality like Sudanese but they often mix a few times a year. its more cos they can worship in there own language. I know a former pastors church has a big sudanese membership along with Australians.

  2. Susan M. Baganz

    I think we celebrate separately because of cultural differences and as Christians we need to be clearer on that. We are ONE race – the HUMAN race – the idea of different races indicates an evolutionary mindset which makes some superior to others. We may have different hair, eye or skin color – but we are all HUMANS. What separates us now is culture. We have preferences for different styles of music and preaching and none of that is wrong or bad – it just is. Our church has some English, Irish, French, German, Philippinos, Hispanic, Chinese, They are so close that Renate finds this to be a stumbling block to her relationship with Tony and they take some time away from each other. Puetro Ricans, African Americans – but in reality – we are all HUMANS. The predominant skin tone is more peach than it is yellow or brown – but we all love Jesus.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Hi, Susan.

      Thanks for commenting. I understand and agree with your point, but, as humans, it’s hard to think that way in the U.S. with all of the racial discrimination that was done in the past (and even the present). This may be one reason why there is racial separation in the church – it may be hard for some to heal old hurts?

  3. Pam Halter

    I hate to say this, but I believe it does come down to skin color. And that’s a darn shame. I have dear friends of all colors and when we fellowship or worship together, it is sweet. My church is predominately white, solemn and traditional. I long for upbeat music and dancing in the aisles, no matter what color skin the people have. Why God brought us where we are now, I have no idea, but we’re in the process of looking for another church. It’s time.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Hi, Pam

      Yes, that is a shame. However, I guess it’s hard to please everybody when some people are more comfortable with a traditional worship style (instead of a modern one).

  4. Albert Madeinlo

    Primary reason is,i think in the UK, different style of worship.Black churches are very expressive in their worship while white churches tend to be passive. When our mind is renewed, then we see the church that is described in Gal 3:28. where race is not a factor.


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