Daily Archives: April 29, 2013

The Face Of The Earth by Deborah Raney

The Face Of The Earth by Deborah Raney

What would you do if your spouse were suddenly missing? How would you cope?

When Mitchell Brannon returns home from work, he’s eagerly awaiting his wife’s (Jill’s) return from a conference. She’s left a voicemail message, stating she’s looking forward to coming home. However, when Jill fails to return, Mitch is stunned. Where could she be? Reaching out to his kids, his beautiful next door neighbor (Shelley – Jill’s best friend) as well as the rest of his community, he begins searching for his wife. She’s missing – he has to find her.

His situation becomes more complicated when he enlists Shelly’s help even further. He finds himself attracted to Shelley, but, he feels guilty. Jill is still missing. He feels he’s being unfaithful to his wife by having a strong attraction to Shelley.

This book grabbed me from the beginning and wouldn’t let me go. It’s a real page-turner as the mystery of Jill’s whereabouts is unraveled. In spite of Shelley’s and Mitch’s emotional and physical attraction, you do feel sympathy for them. Both are grieving for their lost loved one – they have no idea if Jill is dead or alive and not knowing about someone you love makes it emotionally hard to cope day after day.

I believe this is the first Deborah Raney book I’ve ever read, and I’m determined to read more.

So what would you do if your spouse were suddenly missing? How would you cope? How long would you search for your missing spouse?


~Cecelia Dowdy~