Do Men Read Romance Novels? – From The Blog Archives

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve received correspondence from two men about my Love Inspired title, First Mates. Both men said that they enjoyed the story and they wanted to know if I had other titles available. One of the men is thirty years old and the other is in his seventies. This recent correspondence gave me the idea for the topic of this blog post.

Do you know any men who read romance novels?

When I think of romance novel readers, I picture women of various ages engrossed in the pages of romance paperback novels. I realize this view may be a bit out-dated so I’d like the opinions of others. If you know of any male romance readers, tell us about them. What do men find appealing about a romance novel? If you are a man who reads romance, please respond and tell us why you read it.

Leave your responses in the comments! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~

10 thoughts on “Do Men Read Romance Novels? – From The Blog Archives

  1. Maurice

    I read Christian romance novels (the mainstream ones don’t do anything for me), and yes I read and enjoyed First Mates :-).

    I read them mainly because I like a happy ending where the couple you invest your reading time in actually winds up together :-). I like a romance novel where the characters are realistic- neither of them is “perfect” (or thinks they are) and they don’t just fall madly in love with no difficulties whatsoever. I need to see folks who might lose their temper sometimes, or be tempted to have sex despite committing to celibacy, or trip and fall in front of the person they’re interested in- in other words, folks I can relate to :-). Since with a romance novel you know they’re going to get together, the “how” has to be compelling for me to enjoy the book.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Hey, NFL

      My romance novel is not “necessarily for” men, but, men have written to me, stating that they enjoyed my novel. So, if you want to give your boyfriend a romance read, download my novel, First Mates, onto your Kindle (or other e-reader) and ask him to read it! 🙂

  2. Lesley McDaniel

    We have a couple of guys in our critique group who are “forced” to read our romances:)

    I think a small percentage of the audience for romance is male, but they don’t necessarily admit it. It’s kind of like the men who knit, although that’s becoming more prevalent. I have a couple of men following my FB author page, so I’d love to hear what the appeal is. I’d also love feedback from them on how the male characters are written. Good discussion topic, Cecelia!

  3. Neva Bodin

    My husband started reading romance novels in his sixties, surprised me to no end, he didn’t even read novels before that. Things do change!

  4. Ben Jenkins

    I know a few (men that read CHRISTIAN romance novels); I’m one of them 🙂 I’ve so far rxhausted about 7 of Francine Rivers’ novels, as well as one by Jill Eileen Smith. If I hadn’t, I would’ve hit major depression by now, potentially suicide. The books I’ve read helped me, & the partner I thought I needed to leave (I thought her Christianity was pretended & only intended to please me, but not God), realise how our future union CAN bring honor & glory to our Creator & Redeemer 🙂 You wanna know more, write me…

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Thx for commenting on my blog. I appreciate your insight. My novel, First Mates, kinda reminds me of what you went through. In First Mates, Rainy’s fiance pretends to be a Christian just to please Rainy, he didn’t want to please God. That’s one reason why they never got married.


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