African-American Novels By White Authors

From the blog archives…


Have you ever wanted to write a novel featuring characters of a different race?
I came across these books in my messy basement. They’re old Heartsong Presents titles that I read years ago, back when I was still in the Heartsong Presents book club. Although these books have African-American characters, the authors are Caucasian. I recall I enjoyed them back when I read them, and I thought the authors did a great job of portraying the African-American characters.I feel it takes a fair amount of talent to write a novel having main characters of another race. I have written novels with Caucasian characters, but, they were never published. My Caucasian-character novels were written a long time ago – way before I’d learned much about the craft of writing.

So, have you ever wanted to write a novel featuring characters of a different race? If so, did you write it? Was it hard to do? Leave a comment!

2 thoughts on “African-American Novels By White Authors

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Hi, Peter
      Thanks for stopping by my blog and for commenting. You’re a pastor? If you want to get published, I recommend attending a writers’ conference. There’s a list of Christian Writers’ conferences listed here:
      If you are interested in writing Christian fiction, then, you should check out the ACFW conference: – they just had their conference, so, check back next year for the dates for 2014 conference.

      Choose the conference that best suits your needs. When you go to a conference, you can interact with other writers and meet editors and agents. The editors and agents can help you get published. It’s best to meet other writers at conferences, too.


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