Daily Archives: September 19, 2013

The Edge Of Grace

The Edge of Grace

The Edge of Grace by Christa Allan

You’ve just discovered your sibling is gay – what would you do? How would you react? This is the premise of Christa Allen’s novel, The Edge of Grace.

Caryn is a young widow, struggling to raise her elementary-school-aged son alone. She owns her own catering business and she tries her best to solicit food orders so that she can pay her rising mortgage. In the midst her business struggle, she’s avoiding her brother, David, because he’s gay. He’s called her suddenly, announcing he’s gay for the first time. Being gay goes against her religious beliefs, so, she doesn’t allow her son to interact with his Uncle David.

This book dealt with a tough issue – homosexuality – an issue that you rarely see in Christian fiction. I felt Caryn a bit too judgmental, but, I could imagine lots of Christians reacting like she did when they heard the news about their sibling. Also, I found it interesting how Caryn dealt with her brother’s admission. It was a struggle that weighed upon her for a long time.

I enjoyed reading this book – it was extremely well written, and made you stop and think about homosexuality. If you like reading food descriptions, this book is for you! Since Caryn is a caterer, all kinds of desserts and tasty foods are described! Yum!

So, what would you do if you discovered your sibling was gay? What would you say to him or her?

Bittersweet Memories

~Cecelia Dowdy~