Daily Archives: September 21, 2013

Saturday Matinee – My Best Friend’s Wedding – A Classic! :-)

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My Best Friend’s Wedding

Starring: Julia Roberts and Dermot Mulroney

Have you ever been in love with your best friend? If so, did you share you feelings with him/her?

I really enjoy this classic romance movie! I’ve seen it a number of times and decided to watch it again recently. Jules, a food critic, is devastated when her best friend and former beau, Michael, plans to marry the following weekend. He invites her to the wedding and she arrives and meets Michael’s fiance, Kimmy. Kimmy is a fast-driving, college-aged, daughter of a billionaire family.

Jules is determined to break up Michael and Kimmy – after all, she’s in love with Michael, but, has never had the courage to tell him. Michael loved Jules at one time, but, she never let him hug her in public, she always pulled away. Now that Michael has found somebody to love, Jules has decided that she wants him for herself.

A laughable series of events occur as Jule’s plots to steal Michael for herself.

This movie was so entertaining! If you’ve seen it, I’d like to know what you liked about it!
Have you ever been in love with your best friend? If so, did you tell him/her how you felt?