Call Me Mrs. Miracle by Debbie Macomber


Call Me Mrs. Miracle by Debbie Macomber

Which toy did you want the most for Christmas? Did you ever receive your most-desired toy?

This is a classic Christmas story that’ll warm your heart during the holiday season. Holly Larson has temporary custody of her nephew, Gabe, since Gabe’s father is stationed overseas. She’s financially strapped since she has extra expenses from caring for her nephew. She’s also not used to being a mother. On top of her new motherly duties, she has to work for a strict, Scrooge-like boss. Her boss is a famous designer named Lindy Lee.

When Holly doesn’t have the money to pay for her coffee at the coffee shop, Jake Finley saves the day, paying for her cup of brew. Afterwards, Holly runs into Jake frequently. Jake and his father have not celebrated Christmas since his mother and sister were killed in a freak accident more than 2 decades ago. Jake manages the toy section for Finley’s (his father’s department store). A strange, elderly seasonal employee is hired to work with Jake – Mrs. Miracle.

Gabe wants an expensive toy robot from Jake’s store for Christmas. Holly doesn’t know if she can afford to buy the robot for Gabe. Is she a bad mother if she can’t purchase the toy for her nephew?

I really felt for Holly, temporarily raising her nephew. Being single, and then suddenly having a child to care for, is not easy. Also, I really felt for Jake and his dad.

A toy robot, Mrs. Miracle, Gabe, Holly and Jake are important players in this loving Christmas tale. I loved this heartwarming story because the characters were so vivid and realistic. I could imagine people reading this book every year during the holiday season.

Many thanks to Harlequin MIRA for providing me with a free review copy.

Tell me, which toy did you want the most for Christmas? Did you ever receive your most-desired toy?


4 thoughts on “Call Me Mrs. Miracle by Debbie Macomber

  1. Satia

    Cecelia, Forgive my brevity. I’m typing with a wounded finger that is very slooowly healing. I wanted a dragon marionette puppet and I did get one. There were many other toys I wanted I did not receive but those I’ve long since forgotten and only remember the many wonderful things I did receive. And thank you for your comment on my blog. Much appreciated.


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