Sunday Brunch – Should Christians Read Their Horoscope?

Photo: Buon Giorno Bon Jour Good Morning

1 Chronicles 10:13-14 ESV  So Saul died for his breach of faith. He broke faith with the Lord in that he did not keep the command of the Lord, and also consulted a medium, seeking guidance. He did not seek guidance from the Lord. Therefore the Lord put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse.

Have you ever read your Horoscope on a regular basis? Do you regularly read it now? If your answer is yes, why do you read it? Does reading your Horoscope give you hope? Does it provide a ray of joy in your day?

While getting my hair done a few weeks ago, I was telling my beautician that my son had a hot temper when he was upset. I told him how my son had burst into tears, crying, when he didn’t pass his Karate test for his purple belt. I also told him how my son would sometimes push board games off the table, mad, whenever he lost a game! He (my hairdresser) asked me, “When is his birthday?”

I said, “July 31st.”

“Oh, he’s a Leo, then. That explains it.”

Whenever I hear people talk about the Zodiac and their Astrological signs, a little red flag goes up in my head. I feel slightly uneasy and I inwardly cringe. Why? Just the thought of relying on the stars, when you were born, and using the daily knowledge from someone (other than God) to predict your future – even for one day – just sounds ridiculous. Some check their Horoscope daily, and some let their Horoscope control their lives. I feel like using the Zodiac, Horoscopes, etc. is in the same category as Saul (old Testament Saul) consulting a medium for guidance. I kinda sense that some people may use the Zodiac for guidance. For example, they might not want to get into a relationship with someone with an incompatible Zodiac sign.

I’ll admit, several years ago, I used to read my Horoscope in the newspaper daily. I looked forward to it, and I laughed aloud when some of the stuff in the Horoscope turned out to be true. As I continued to read each day, I then found myself wondering which parts were true – I was sure that it was true sometimes, right? After all, I’d noticed some truth in some of my past Horoscopes. I finally decided to just stop reading it one day. I can’t recall why I made the decision to stop. I knew it was wrong to read the Horoscope, but, I did it anyway. I never went back to reading my Horoscope and I don’t encourage others to, either. Seek God for guidance, not a daily Horoscope.

Have you ever read your Horoscope on a regular basis? Do you read it regularly now? If your answer is yes, why do you read it? Does reading your Horoscope give you hope? Does it provide a light of joy in your day?

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