Daily Archives: November 18, 2013

Christmas At Harmony Hill


Christmas At Harmony Hill by Ann H. Gabhart

Have you ever gone through a pregnancy alone, without your spouse?

Heather is a washer woman for the Union. She took this job so that she could remain with her husband, Gideon, during the war. Heather is pregnant, and as she advances in her pregnancy, Gideon feels it’s no longer safe for her to remain with the troops. So he sends her father’s house – when she arrives, all sorts of calamaties await her arrival. As a result, she finds herself at the Shaker Village. Heather’s Aunt Sophronia is a Shaker, and she hopes the Shaker people will provide shelter for her while she awaits the birth of her baby.

Sophronia struggles with the feelings she has toward her niece. Shakers are not to have special feelings for worldly family. The Shakers are all brothers and sisters – living together – sadly trying to create heaven on earth as they shun marriage, pregnancy, sex, attraction – these things are sinful, and they can’t allow such worldly ways in their village. However, 50-year old Sophronia has romantic feelings toward the Shaker doctor. What can she do about her budding feelings toward the doctor, and the familial affection she has for her niece, such feelings are worldly and wrong.

This book was a good little Christmas story that shows you how life was for the Shakers. Like I’ve mentioned in other blog posts, the Shakers leave me feeling a bit unsettled, but overall, the story was enjoyable. Gives a great message about forgiveness.

So, have you ever gone through a pregnancy alone, without your spouse? Have you had to birth your child without your husband because he was away in the military? Tell me about it – leave a comment.